Monday, 11 November 2013

My Latest Paranormal Experiences

My Latest Paranormal Experiences
My paranormal experiences started when I was quite young, and even though I know at that time I am not the one that went searching for it, today I have to wonder if we are now chasing each other.  I’ve been a member of the Greater Moncton Paranormal Society for approximately six months now, and have gotten my feet wet in the paranormal investigation world.  For those who don’t know, my fascination and obsession with the paranormal (my interest have a very broad range, but with a marked focus on the subjects of who humans really are and where we really come from) stems from trying to understand and explain a disturbing experience that happened shortly after I turned 11 years old.  It changed my life and made me discover that investigating the human experience of the paranormal is and always will be my quest.
I express myself and share my personal paranormal experiences through art.  It is my therapy.  It is the channel through which I speak.  My technique is very much like mediums who uses automatic writing to allow the spirits to speak through them – I create fine art in a meditative state, and whatever wants to come through is allowed to do so.  My artwork can be seen at

Recently, since taking part in paranormal investigations with GMPS, I’ve noticed that I am slowly developing psychic sensitivities resembling those of a medium.  I’ve always known myself to be psychically aware, but not at this level.  Here are my personal opinions and accounts, experienced in the later half of this year.
During the GMPS investigation of The Albert County Museum Gaol , I was physically made aware of a sinister presence.  During our first walk around of the building, at the back near where a supposed murderer was buried after being hung, I had a sudden feeling as if someone had stuck me in the solar plexus area, and almost immediately threw up.  As soon as I felt this, the feeling of incredible fear gripped me, as if my life was threatened and I had to run.  Later, after a few hours of taking photographs of the Gaol and the grounds with the team, we found ourselves gathering data in the room where the jailor slept.  What I saw here scared me enough to leave the building.  I suddenly felt the nausea hit me, and sat down in a chair in between two of the team members who were standing.  I was facing the bedframe at eye level, approximately 2 feet away.  Suddenly, I saw the bed shake quickly and violently, from left to right (the way you would shake a steering wheel side to side), for approximately 1 second.  I closed my eyes, thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me – and when I reopened them, a second or two later, it happened again.  I left the room and went outside for air.  I’d never seen anything like it – and no one else in the room witnessed it.   A few days later, I was awakened by a very loud and distinct knocking inside my bedroom.  It knocked 3 times.  It hasn’t happened since.  To read more about the whole investigation, please visit the GMPS lead investigator's blog:

Even though it was not during an investigation, a strange experience also happened  this fall that made me realize I may be a magnet for spirits that wish to communicate…  I came into contact with a person who had long ago visited a native American grave, and had reason to believe the spirit of a chief was following them and they may have been cursed.  That week, I was ill – feverish and chilled intermittently, had no appetite, felt mentally very absent and spaced out as if I wasn’t there, just going through the motions.  I would have written it off as a simple cold, however I started getting very intense visions as I lay down in bed each night, 4 nights in a row… 

The first night, I was a man, tall, running as fast as I could through the woods in the middle of the night.  Being half awake and half asleep, I was still capable of conscious thought – and I immediate wondered how I could be alone, running in the woods in the dead of night, with no fear? I’ve lived in the woods, and know this would be terrifying to me.  I knew one thing for certain in this “dream” – I was a part of everything surrounding me and it was a part of me:  the trees, the flowers, the rocks – all of it.  I intensely felt and understood how this was our true nature as humans.  On the second night, again as I was starting to fall asleep, the face of a man came very close to mine, speaking loudly in a very directive voice in a language I did not understand.  He was making me afraid, so I woke myself up.  On the 3rd night, I started to fall asleep and saw the stars.  I was lying on my back, in the woods, in a clearing with trees nearby.  Three or four figures were standing on one side of me, softly chanting. They seemed in mourning.  One had a cloak of some sort over his clothing.  I felt very tall, and male.  On the fourth night, I started seeing faces from far away… and as they got closer I could see they were made of wood.  I felt they had life, though, just not life like we experience – but a life imbued by their creator:  myself.
This is where the visions ended.  I suspect a very strong spirit shared its life, and death, with me, and made me understand a way of seeing the human spirit in a different light than I ever have.  I think this spirit was a very, very strong spiritualist and its presence was so intense that it probably made me ill. 
I’m currently researching how psychic mediums work with spirits, and psychic protection.  It’s a slow process of understanding, but I feel this is going to be very helpful for myself and possibly to assist others down the line.  If this interests you too, I would love to hear about it! Please feel free to post your story on the GMPS open group page on Facebook at  :)

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