Loooong time no blog!! Alright, so I've been busy... bit of an understatement ;)
After several paranormal investigations with the Greater Moncton Paranormal Society (what's this? check out www.gmps.ca and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/MonctonGhostSeekers/), my obsessions are slowly merging: art and the paranormal.
Right now, I'm working on a series of paintings called "Of the Fallen", starting with the first part, "Legendes de mon Acadie" - visual interpretations of paranormal legends of Acadia with photography and painting. You can see my art here: www.aerebb.com
Today, I want to tell you what my obsession REALLY is. I've been "plagued" with paranormal experiences since I was very young, and not just seeing ghosts and getting goosebumps... way stranger than that. So here are some theories on the subjective experience of paranormal phenomena.
IMO, the experience of the paranormal can be categorized in 3 parts: belief, amazement/fascination, and analysis. Let's break this down a bit.
Many, MANY people either believe or want to believe that there is something "else". They each have their reasons, but that's as far as their interest lies - the belief.
Then we have the amazement factor. Usually, people that have been exposed to some sort of paranormal phenomena (or heard of it) and become fascinated by the possibility that this could be real. They try to find proof, or experience more of it, in the hopes it will somehow "prove" the reality of unexplained events. Paranormal investigation caters to this, attempting to rid the possibility of there being a scientific reason for the activity, thereby leaving the client with proof that a true, UNEXPLAINED event is occurring and happening to them.
Lastly, we have the analytical experience. This is where fine lines are drawn between physical reality, spiritual beliefs, and science. This is my experience. It's a questioning of what has been established by science as the human existence. Lots of conspiracists fall under this category, doubting they have been told the truth by the government, educators, and scientists. There is way more to our reality than what we know, and an evaluative overhaul of common belief systems would be very beneficial. Changing how we think (as opposed to what we think) is what's needed for our health - both as animals and souls here on earth.
End rant... back to the paranormal ;)
Things we can't explain, i.e. the paranormal, are not explainable because of our philosophical perspective of the phenomena - our THINKING is the problem. If a fish tries to understand humans that walk on soil and breathe air, if he bases his analysis on the absolute fact that to be alive, all creatures must breathe water, then we are an anomaly to him. We are paranormal. Guess what folks - that's what we are doing. We are evaluating and judging what's real and what's not from a subjective perspective, and not considering that reality is composed of an objective one.
So basically and in a nutshell, THIS is my obsession. To philosophize, and as a paranormal investigator, to prove that there is another way to look at reality - paranormal phenomena is nothing but a CLUE that we are not looking at it in the correct manner... i.e., there is truly, within the real reality, no paranormality to be found.